How Much Time do you Spend as a Model or Actor?

How Much Time do you Spend as a Model or Actor?

I was on the phone today with one of our models… Berite and we were talking about her career. See Berite came to the USA from Switzerland to pursue her career and even though she is married her husband needed to stay behind and work…they planned on seeing each...
Get Inspired by A Great Coach – Jym Benzing

Get Inspired by A Great Coach – Jym Benzing

Intro: (00:05) Hello and welcome to the Coffee in the Green Room podcast. This is the show for rising talent, entertainment industry insiders, and those with a curiosity of what life is like in front of the camera. If you’ve ever struggled with getting started...
An Interesting Interview of Alysia Joy Powell

An Interesting Interview of Alysia Joy Powell

Intro: (00:05) Hello and welcome to the Coffee in the Green Room podcast. This is the show for rising talent, entertainment industry insiders, and those with a curiosity of what life is like in front of the camera. If you’ve ever struggled with getting started...