VIP Ignite Blog
Get the latest news happening in the entertainment industry.
Breaking Barriers: How This Actor and Model Took a Leap of Faith After 35 Years in Transportation
VIP Ignite Live Podcast interviews an actor and model who stepped out on faith and trusted the process, finding success with VIP Ignite and Truth Management.
From Aspiring Actor to Booking Projects Left and Right: How VIP Ignite Helped Make It Happen
Discover how VIP Ignite helped an aspiring actor and model book projects left and right, through connections and knowledge gained from their events.
From Musician to Model: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Change Your Life
VIP Ignite Live Podcast features an actor, model, and musician who shifted her mindset to achieve success in the entertainment industry and Jiu Jitsu
6 Things That Make Casting Directors Happy in the Audition Room
As an actor, having a successful audition is essential for getting the job. If you want to impress the casting director and get called back for more...
Starting Over: A 20-Year Journey to Modeling and Acting with Andi
It takes a lot of courage to start over in any field, especially in the entertainment industry, which is known for being highly competitive and constantly evolving.
How to Become a Singer & Start a Singing Career
Are you passionate about music and have always dreamed of launching a career as a singer? Have you watched artists like Cardi B, Taylor Swift, and...
Mastering the Runway and the Mind: A Model and Actor’s Journey of Success in Fashion and Psychology
Our guest is a VIP Ignite and Truth Mgmt talent, and we were lucky enough to get a chance to speak with him about his journey in the entertainment world.
Powerful Tips On How To Sing High Notes
Are you having a hard time hitting those high notes in your singing? You're not alone! Many singers hit roadblocks when it comes to singing higher,...
What Do Casting Directors Look For In Auditions? (It’s 6 Things!)
Are you about to head into an audition? You might be feeling nervous and hoping for the best, but there's no doubt that being prepared is the key....