In a world where productivity and success are often measured by how much we can achieve in the shortest amount of time, it’s easy to find ourselves stuck in a routine that, while efficient, doesn’t necessarily fulfill us. This is the essence of what Shane Mahoney, founder of Lugos Travel, discusses in the latest episode of VisionCraft Presents: Coffee in the Green Room. Hosted by Deneen White, this episode delves into the profound concepts of the “zone of excellence” versus the “zone of genius” and offers a secret tip for entrepreneurs that could be the key to unlocking greater success and fulfillment in both work and life.

Zone of Excellence vs. Zone of Genius

Shane Mahoney introduces us to a powerful framework for self-assessment and growth: the distinction between the “zone of excellence” and the “zone of genius.”

The zone of excellence is where most of us operate daily. It’s the space where we do things well—often very well—but these tasks, while they might bring us success, don’t necessarily light us up. They’re the things we’re good at, but not necessarily the things we’re passionate about. Shane explains that this zone can become a trap, especially for high achievers who find themselves repeatedly excelling in areas that don’t truly inspire them.

In contrast, the zone of genius is where our true potential lies. It’s the space where our passions, talents, and unique abilities intersect. When we operate in this zone, work doesn’t feel like work. It feels fulfilling, energizing, and impactful. Shane emphasizes that finding and operating in your zone of genius is not only the key to personal satisfaction but also to achieving the highest levels of success in your professional life.