Model Noreen Belz didn’t begin her journey until she was in her fifties. She knew herself as mom, sister, daughter, friend, wife. She felt like a hamster on a wheel, going through the motions of taking care of everyone but herself.

Noreen wasn’t satisfied with the status quo… just doing what was expected of her “at her age.”

She felt something deep inside of her, screaming to break free.. her purpose… to be a model.

The problem she had before she met VIP Ignite was that she had no direction. She didn’t know where to start. She had tried a few different paths in the maze that is the entertainment industry and hit dead ends. Add a global pandemic to the mix… and you have a recipe for overwhelm.

Questions were raging through her head… what is it that she wants to accomplish? How she could do more, accomplish more, feel more joy and passion? How could she inspire others to pursue their goals? All while the world is shut down?

During this time, Noreen discovered VIP Ignite, and since then has had many AHA moments. She has worked with Academy-award-winning writers and actors; she learned to walk the runway with models from America’s Next Top Model. She networked with agents from New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, London.

When asked the advice she would give models–older or younger–who are getting started, she said, “You have to work with the best in the industry. Work with industry insiders who not only talk the talk but who have walked the walk. Find you niche… where you fit in and own it. And along the way, you will have setbacks, but trust the process and know that life is happening for you not to you.”

Recently, Noreen had the opportunity to spend multiple days on set in New York City on one of HBO Max’s hottest shows.

If you want to hear more about her story, tune into this podcast!

“Excel your career to levels you did not even know exists.” – Deneen White