In a world filled with constant challenges, finding joy and overcoming fear is a journey that many of us strive to navigate. On the latest episode of the VisionCraft Presents Coffee in the Green Room podcast, live from Las Vegas, host Deneen White welcomes Marcus Weiss, an actor, director, producer, speaker, and certified neural coding specialist, to delve into these very topics. This episode offers listeners a unique perspective on how to start each day with intention and overcome obstacles with grace.

The Power of Intention: Starting Your Day Right

One of the most powerful takeaways from Marcus Weiss’s conversation is the importance of starting your day with the right mindset. Marcus shares his personal morning routine, where he physically and mentally prepares himself for the day by engaging in simple yet effective practices. He begins each morning by using his fingers to open his eyes wide, saying out loud, “It’s going to be a great day.” This simple act not only brings a smile to his face but also sets the tone for a positive and productive day ahead.

For Marcus, this ritual is more than just a habit—it’s a conscious choice to embrace joy and optimism from the very start of his day. He emphasizes that our physiology, or the way we use our bodies, can significantly influence our emotions and mindset. By making the decision to start each day with positivity, Marcus creates a ripple effect that carries through his interactions and endeavors.