
Review by Daniece W.

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Daniece loves that the messages from our speakers all touch on value, whether it’s in yourself or your work. 😌⭐

Know who you are and how that shows in your brand as a talent! You need to find value in yourself and own it to find success. 💯🤩


Hey guys. So I just got done typing. Hoover is three pages of notes. There they go. Right behind me on that word document turbine would be four to five pages of notes I have typed up. And the reason for this six recessive note taking is just because of how breathtaking and electrifying today’s event was. Um, I can yeah.

Say honestly before this, that I really had no idea what I was doing. I’m listening to these guest speakers today really, really inspired me. I love how they all had something about value in their messages today and how important it was to really know who you were and how that would show when in your brand, um, as a talent.

And honestly, that right there was the main thing that really got through to me was having value in yourself and knowing who you were and how to own, and to really advance in your art and your craft. Um, so I am just excited and so inspired and I cannot wait to see what else is planned for this weekend. Okay. Great. Bye.