Review by Allie A.

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Don’t scroll!! Allie has something to tell you! ✋✋

“All I gotta say is it was amazing, it was phenomenal…those coaches were so inspiring. 🤩🤩

I took so many notes. ✍️

One day I hope that I can just look back at it and be like, ‘I remember those coaches.'” 🤗💭


Wait a minute. Don’t scroll, stop scrolling. Just listen. Today. I had the most wonderful and amazing experience. Today was a first day of the virtual summit with VIP ignite. And all I got to say is that it was amazing. It was phenomenal. I can’t explain in words, those, those coaches were just so inspiring. I took so many notes that I’m currently writing them up right now and hope.

I hope that one day I can just look back at it and be like, I remember those coaches and I’m going to hang them somewhere on my wall. And the past two weeks I’ve been just bingeing, the coaches online sessions. And I just want to thank Allie for sending me emails constantly and helping me get to my dreams. And I want to thank demean for giving me great laughs all the time.

And I want to thank Debbie. Debbie is the whole reason I’m here and Allie is going to help me reach my goals. And I want to see where this journey leads me and bless your hearts. If you got past like this far in the videos. So I have a great morning, evening or night wherever you’re at in the day, and I’ll see you guys next time.